Hạn chót để ghi danh Bỏ Phiếu Bầu Cử năm 2019 tại Virginia là Thứ Ba ngày 15 tháng 10 và Lá Phiếu thành phố Alexandria vào ngày 5 tháng 11 bao gồm Thượng viện tiểu bang Virginia, Hạ viện tiểu bang Virginia và Thư ký Tòa án Alexandria

Theo nguồn tin trên trang mạng thành phố Alexandria

Deadline to Register or Update Virginia Voter Registration is October 15
For Immediate Release: October 11, 2019

The deadline to register to vote in Virginia’s November 5 General Election is Tuesday, October 15. In Alexandria, the November 5 ballot includes Virginia State Senate and House of Delegates, and Alexandria Clerk of Circuit Court.

If you have moved since the last time you voted, please make sure you are registered at your current address. You may check your registration at vote.elections.virginia.gov or by contacting voters@alexandriava.gov, or by calling 703.746.4050.

The following voter registration methods are available to U.S. citizens living in Virginia who will be 18 or older by November 5, 2019:

Submit the application online at vote.elections.virginia.gov before midnight, October 15.

Register in person at the Office of Voter Registration and Elections (132 N. Royal St., Suite 100) by 5 p.m. on October 15.

Download an application at the City’s Election Page, print, sign and mail the completed form to the Office of Voter Registration and Elections, 132 N. Royal St., Suite 100, Alexandria, VA 22314. Applications must be postmarked on or before October 15.

The same deadlines are in effect for Virginia voters who are registered but have moved within the City of Alexandria or Virginia. Voters who do not update their registration records before the deadline are at risk of being ineligible to vote in this election.

Virginia registered voters who need to update their addresses may do so using any of the methods listed above, or by completing a new voter registration application and faxing it to the Office of Voter Registration and Elections at 703.838.6449 by 5 p.m. on October 15.

Voter information letters for new or transferred registrants will be mailed within one week of the registration date.

Virginians who are registered to vote must show photo identification when voting. Visit alexandriava.gov/Elections, or call 703.746.4050 for a list of accepted photo identification and other election information, including sample ballots and in-person absentee voting hours. In-person absentee voting for this election continues until 5 p.m. on Saturday, November 2.

For complete information on this election, including voter registration requirements, sample ballots, precinct maps and photo ID requirements, visit alexandriava.gov/Elections or contact Anna Leider, General Registrar and Director of Elections, Office of Voter Registration, at anna.leider@alexandriava.gov or 703.746.4050.

For reasonable disability accommodation, contact anna.leider@alexandriava.gov or call 703.746.4050 or Virginia Relay 711.

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This news release is available at alexandriava.gov/111747.


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