Volunteer Arlington Day

SOURCE: Arlington County Government

Theo nguồn tin trên trang mạng của Quận Arlington ở tiểu bang Virginia

Apr 26
12-4 p.m.

Stambaugh Human Services Center (Sequoia 1)
Arlington Employment Center, 1st Floor
2100 Washington Blvd

Free: Yes

Age: 0+

Family Friendly: Yes

Contact Details

Event Url

The Arlington Chamber of Commerce is seeking individuals and teams of enthusiastic volunteers to participate in Volunteer Arlington Day, an annual tradition that engages businesses and individuals in rewarding half-day service projects throughout the community.

Volunteer opportunities are available for individuals and groups of all sizes. Volunteer Arlington Day is produced by the Chamber’s Community Action Committee and connects Arlington businesses to Chamber member nonprofits. This is a great opportunity for nonprofits to develop relationships with Arlington businesses.


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