Tet Trung Thu – Moon Festival- Mid-Autum Children’s Festival 2020 CANCELLED

Theo nguồn tin trên trang mạng Hội Văn Hóa VN-HTĐ & VietKidsDC

Tet Trung Thu 2020 CANCELLED (Moon Festival Mid-Autum Children’s Festival)

Hello Tet Trung Thu Organizers, Participants and Supporters:

Thank you for all your hard work to ensure the success of Tet Trung Thu 2019 at Kenmore Middle School in Arlington, Virginia. Your active leadership and participation brought Tet Trung Thu back to the Washington, DC Metro area after a short hiatus.

Since January of this year, the VietKids DC Board has worked with Arlington County government officials in hopes of continuing this new tradition of hosting Tet Trung Thu 2020 at Kenmore Middle School. After much discussion on how to keep participants, performers, families and the community safe during a pandemic; there were not many good options. As you may know, Arlington County prohibits any mass gatherings of more than 250 persons at this time; and next month, students will be learning virtually, not in their classrooms. Given these factors, the Board decided that the only safe option is to cancel Tet Trung Thu 2020.

Nonetheless, we will continue the organization’s tradition of keeping funds raised specifically for Tet Trung Thu in our reserves for future festivals. It is our hope that we’ll be able to host Tet Trung Thu 2021 in Arlington County next autumn without current restrictions. It is our strong belief that the annual Tet Trung Thu festival should continue to provide a fun and safe environment for children to learn, to participate in, and to enjoy the Vietnamese heritage and culture.

Again, thank you for collaborating with us. We appreciate your continued support, and will keep you updated as we move into 2021. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact us directly at this email: vietkidsdcfestival@gmail.com.

Sincerely yours,
VietKidsDC Board of Directors

Minh (Tini) Dinh Favila, President
Margaret McLeroy, Esq., Vice President
Quang Le, Treasurer & Festival Coordinator
Long Nguyen, Festival Coordinator
Uyen Dinh, Esq., Fundraising & Public Relations


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