Theo nguồn tin trên trang mạng Rolling Thunders
Sunday, May 26th
6 AM – Reveille – Vietnam Veterans Memorial – Wake-up call for all riders taking part in the Rolling Thunder XXXII First Amendment Demonstration Run. Bikers rally in the North and South Pentagon parking lots at 7 AM for a noon departure.
9 AM – Thunder Alley Opens: Location: 22nd and Constitution Ave NW
12 PM – Rolling Thunder XXXII First Amendment Demonstration Run
First Amendment Demonstration Run – Bikes leave the North Pentagon parking lot to begin their run through the Mall area. After the run, police will direct riders to West Potomac Park, where they will pay tribute to their fallen brothers and sisters.
1:30 PM – Rolling Thunder Speakers Program (Lincoln Memorial)
3 PM – Musical tribute to Veterans – TBA
8 PM – Memorial Day Concert – at the Capitol.