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Threat intelligence strategist and former CISO available for interviews
To defend against cyber-attacks, most organizations look within their own networks for possible intruders and ways to layer defenses. Often forgotten is an external examination of threats happening across an organization’s industry and the likelihood those threats will hit your business. Former transit authority CISO and current chief security strategist at cyber threat intelligence firm SurfWatch Labs, Adam Meyer, will present how to effectively collect and use cyber threat intelligence as part of your overall risk management program from 10:45am-11:45am at the Annual ISACA National Capital Area Chapter (NCAC) Cybersecurity Conference on “Preventing the Breach”. He is available for in-person interviews on March 15 immediately before and after that time.
Data breaches continue to happen across industry and government, even as security spending increases. In the session, Using Cyber Threat Intelligence to Drive Your Defenses and Reduce Your Risk, participants will learn the benefits of using intelligence to guide cyber risk decisions and ensuring the right security resource allocations are in place.
The NCAC will host the ISACA Cybersecurity Conference on March 16 at the Holiday Inn Rosslyn @ Key Bridge in the Rosslyn Ballroom at 1900 North Fort Myer Drive in Arlington, VA. Event registration is available online.
Additionally, cybersecurity professionals may learn about prioritizing specific cyber risks in a webcast on March 15 hosted by New York-based The Knowledge Group. SurfWatch Labs chief intelligence officer, Tim Layton will speak at the live event from 10am – Noon ET on “Cyber Threat Intelligence: Knowing What Specific Risks Your Business Should Address.” Registration is free and available online now.
Supporting Resources:
Learn how cyber threat intelligence can help reduce critical business risks
Learn what key criteria to look for in a threat intelligence solution
About SurfWatch Labs
SurfWatch Labs helps organizations and service providers quickly establish a strategic cyber threat intelligence operation that drives more effective use of their tactical defenses. Founded in 2013 by former US Government intelligence analysts, SurfWatch Labs solutions provide a 360-degree view of cyber threats in the context of your business, along with practical and personalized support to create immediate insights and meaningful action. Combining useful analytics, applications and human expertise, SurfWatch solutions can be your off-the-shelf, cyber threat intelligence team or delivered as a comprehensive product suite that easily integrates with your existing cybersecurity operations.
SurfWatch Labs: Cyber In Sight. For more information, visit
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