Tet Celebration with Congresswoman Stephanie Dang Murphy

Theo nguồn tin trên trang mạng NOVAL DC

Happy Lunar New Year! Come celebrate with us tonight!

Chúc Mừng Năm Mới

We hope everyone had a wonderful Lunar New Year weekend with their loved ones. Although we could not celebrate it with you then, we invite you to celebrate with us tonight as we co-host a Tet Celebration with a special guest, Representative Stephanie Dang Murphy, the first Vietnamese American woman elected to Congress.

Come join NOVAL-DC as we celebrate the New Year and meet our community’s newest civic leader.

TONIGHT, Feb 1, 7:30pm
1100 Wilson Blvd, Suite 1000
Arlington, VA 22209
(Near Rosslyn Metro Stop – Blue/Orange/Silver Line)

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