Theo nguồn tin trên trang mạng Quận Arlington
January 6, 2017 | News Release
It’s that time in a young year when there’s much to clean up – particularly trees and tree-based products. PaperlessCitizen
With that in mind, Arlington County has published a bonus paperless edition of The Citizen quarterly newsletter for January-February, filled with key winter weather tips, County Board actions, Arlington Public Schools happenings, parks and rec activities and other useful information. In this edition:
Meet some adults with disabilities gaining skills through ArlingtonWeaves, Etc.
Download a list of emergency phone numbers in case a big storm hits
Learn how some 50,000 cubic yards of leaves will be free garden mulch for spring
Make plans for the Friends of the Arlington Public Library’s spring Muggle Ball
The January-February 2017 paperless edition of The Citizen is available digitally so there’s one less item for the crowded recycling bin.
But if you’re a fan of The Citizen in paper form, don’t worry. New editions — still printed on paper made from recycled materials — will return to Arlington mailboxes in late winter and then in spring.
And to keep up with the County on a weekly basis, make sure you’re signed up for The Insider enewsletter, for the latest news and events around Arlington. Delivered to your inbox every Thursday.
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