Cảnh sát thành phố Alexandria lập trạm kiểm tra nồng độ Rượu Bia bắt vị thành niên dưới 21 tuổi

Theo nguồn tin trên trang mạng thành phố Alexandria trong tiểu bang Virginia

Alexandria Police to Conduct Underage Alcohol Compliance Checks

SOURCE: Alexandria City

For Immediate Release:

On October 28, Alexandria Police will conduct compliance checks in an effort to deter the sale of alcohol to underage individuals. Alexandria Police Detectives will monitor underage people attempting to buy alcohol from local businesses. If an underage person is successful in purchasing alcohol, a uniformed police officer will contact the clerk and manager of the establishment and take a police report. The primary goal of these compliance checks is to confirm the practice of legal alcohol sales and the education of cashiers and management.

Acting Chief of Police Huchler reminds businesses that clerks may be charged with a class one misdemeanor (Virginia Code §4.1-304) when an underage sale occurs. The Alexandria Police Department has partnered with Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition of Alexandria (SAPCA) regarding these compliance checks. DontServeTeens.gov has information in English and Spanish about the rates and risks of teen drinking, links to state alcohol laws and tips on what to say to friends and neighbors about serving alcohol to teens.


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