Treasurer’s Office Decal Design Competition 2017-18

 The Office of the Treasurer is now accepting student submissions for the Thirteenth Annual Decal Design Competition.
 The winning design will appear on the 2017-18 decal and will be displayed on more than 160,000 vehicles registered in Arlington.
 Four finalists will be selected and each will receive a cash prize sponsored by the Arlington Community Federal Credit Union.

SOURCE: Arlington County

Theo nguồn tin trên trang mạng quận Arlington trong tiểu bang Virginia

Arlington, Va. — The Office of the Treasurer invites Arlington County high school students who reside or attend school in Arlington to participate in the Thirteenth Annual Decal Design Competition. Students are asked to submit a design that represents the vibrant community that is Arlington County for a chance to have their design appear on the 2017-18 vehicle decal. The top four finalists, selected by a Citizens’ Panel, will appear in the Sun Gazette the week of December 8. The finalists’ designs will be on display at the Founders Art Gallery in Founders Hall on the Arlington campus of George Mason University, as well as at the Arlington Community Federal Credit Union, in December and January. The four finalists will present their designs to the Arlington County Board at a January board meeting, where the winner will be announced. The Arlington Community Federal Credit Union will present the winner and finalists with prize money at that time.

The competition gives students the opportunity to utilize their design skills in a real-world application, as well as to participate in the workings of their local government. The winner and runners-up will have a truly unique accomplishment to highlight on their resumes and college applications. Last year, 85 designs were submitted by students.

All submissions must be received by 5 p.m. on Monday, November 28, 2016. Information and forms
can be found on the Treasurer’s Office’s website,

Starting December 8, residents will be able to vote on their favorite design.

For more information, contact Stephanie Shea at 703-228-3807 or

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