Thứ Sáu Đầu tiên : “Family Art Night,” Ngày 04 Tháng 3 Năm 2016

SOURCE: Alexandria City

Theo nguồn tin trên trang mạng thành phố Alexandria trong tiểu bang Virginia

First Friday: “Family Art Night,” March 4

For Immediate Release: January 23, 2016

Are you looking for a memorable and inspiring evening with your family? Plan to attend the “Family Art Night” sponsored by the Office of the Arts on Friday, March 4, 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Durant Arts Center, 1605 Cameron St. Teresa Brunson featured artist who will guide you through painting your very own masterpiece. No experience is needed.

A “meet and greet” begins at 6 p.m.. Pizza, soda and water will be on hand, complements of the Office of the Arts. Art activities begin at 6:30 p.m.. Advance per person reservations: $5 residents; $10 nonresidents. At door: $10 residents; $15 nonresidents. No experience is necessary. Children must be accompanied by one adult.

To pay online visit and select Activity Number: 355202.01.

The “Family Art Night” is part of the “First Fridays” Series. The Series is a project of the Office of the Arts, a division of the Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities.

For additional information, contact Cheryl Anne Colton at 703.746.5565, or visit the Office of the Arts web site at​

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