Thông Báo Đóng Cửa & Thời Khóa Biểu Các Dịch Vụ của Quận Arlington Virginia Trong Ngày Tổng thống Hoa Kỳ Năm 2016

SOURCE: Arlington County Government

Theo nguồn tin trên trang mạng Arlington, VA

Holiday Closing: George Washington Day – Mon., Feb. 15, 2016

February 8, 2016

Arlington County Government offices, courts, libraries & facilities will be closed on Monday, Feb. 15, 2016, for George Washington Day.

Trash & Recycling Collections – Normal
Metered and Permit Parking – Not enforced

Arlington County Government offices, libraries and facilities will be closed on Monday, Feb. 15 for George Washington Day. Trash and recycling services will operate on a normal schedule. Parking meters and parking permit zones will not be enforced.

See the Holiday Schedule page for more information.

Arlington Va., is a world-class residential, business and tourist location that was originally part of the “10 miles square” parcel of land surveyed in 1791 to be the Nation’s Capital. Slightly smaller than 26 square miles, it is the geographically smallest self-governing county in the United States, and one of only a handful with the prized Aaa/AAA/AAA bond rating. Arlington maintains a rich variety of stable neighborhoods and quality schools, and has received numerous awards for Smart Growth and transit-oriented development. Home to some of the most influential organizations in the world — including the Pentagon — Arlington stands out as one of America’s preeminent places to live, visit and do business.

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