Election Day Checklist for Alexandria Voters

Theo nguồn tin trên trang mạng City of Alexandria

On Tuesday, November 3, a General Election will be held in the City of Alexandria for Senate of Virginia, Virginia House of Delegates, Alexandria Mayor, Alexandria City Council, and Alexandria School Board. Polls will be open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. The Office of Voter Registration and Elections has provided the following information:

Here are five things you can do now to be prepared for Election Day.

1. Confirm Your Polling Place

You must vote in your assigned precinct. To confirm your voting location, go to the Virginia Department of Elections Citizen Portal. You may also verify your information by calling the Alexandria Voter Registration Office at 703.746.4050.

2. Know What’s on the Ballot

Many people are running for office this year, so review the sample ballot for your precinct prior to Election Day, alexandriava.gov/Elections.

Be aware that political party identification does not appear on the ballot for local offices (for example, Mayor and City Council) and electronic devices may not be used in the polling place after you check in to vote. Be sure to do any research before you get to the polls.

3. Mark Your Ballot According to the Instructions on the Ballot

The Office of Voter Registration and Elections has received many questions about how to use ballot systems. To make sure your vote counts, follow the instructions that appear on the ballot. Alexandria provides each voter with two options to cast his or her ballot:

Alexandria’s “eScan” voting system requires the voter to mark within the box located to the left of their choice on a paper ballot. To vote for a write-in candidate, voters must mark within the box located to the left of the words “Write-in” and write in the name of the candidate on the line provided.
Alexandria’s “eSlate” voting system uses an electronic device to provide the voter with audio instructions and feedback via headphones and tactile input buttons. While these devices are provided primarily to allow voters with disabilities to vote privately and independently, the eSlate system may be used by any voter.
For this election, you may vote for up to six candidates for City Council, up to three candidates for School Board, and up to one candidate for each other office listed on the ballot.

4. Vote Absentee if You Can’t Get to the Polls on Election Day

Don’t let a long commute, business trip, vacation, disability or illness put your right to vote at risk. Saturday, October 31 at 5 p.m. is the deadline to vote in-person absentee. Alexandria has two sites open for absentee voting on Saturday:

Alexandria Voter Registration Office (8 a.m. to 5p.m.), 132 North Royal Street
Beatley Library (10 a.m. to 5 p.m.), 5005 Duke Street
5. Make Sure You Have a Valid Photo ID

Virginia voters must show photo identification when voting in person, for example a Virginia Driver’s License, U.S. Passport, or Military ID. You can review the complete list of acceptable ID at http://alexandriava.gov/Elections,

Voters who do not have one of these IDs may apply for a free Voter Photo ID from Alexandria’s Voter Registration Office. All voters who apply for this free ID receive a Temporary ID which they may use to vote in their precinct on Election Day. The Office is open Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m, and on Election Day from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Voters who do not bring a photo ID when voting may still vote a provisional ballot. They have until noon on Friday, November 6 to deliver a copy of their photo ID to the Voter Registration Office or appear in-person at the office to apply for a free Voter Photo ID Card and request a Temporary ID to meet the ID requirement for the November election.

Election Night Reporting

After the polls close at 7 p.m. on Election Night, November 3, Alexandria election officials will begin posting unofficial results on the State Department of Elections web site. These results will show the total number of votes cast for each candidate listed on the ballot, and the total number of write in votes cast, but not the names of people receiving write-in votes. During the three days following the election, the Electoral Board will canvass the results and determine which write-in votes are valid.

For more information, contact Anna Leider, General Registrar, at 703.746.4050 or anna.leider@alexandriava.gov.

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